Thursday, February 25, 2010

The exstraordinary trip to the beach

The sand glistening in the sun with the raging waves crashing down from the heavens. Seagulls squawking and surfers surfing.


The Beach

I went to the beach one day.
As i jumped off the bus.
I heard crushing waves,
I felt soft dump sand creeping between my toes,

I smelt the fresh sea.
I saw seagulls flying,
Then I went climbing on the sharp rocks,
exploring and seeing shells sparkling as white as clouds,
Rocks as enormous as can be
Light foam rising to the surface of the shiney dark blue sea.
pebbles as smooth as a teddy bear.


Thursday, February 18, 2010


A lifeless soul. And black shiny boot coloured eyes. And a Mandarin coloured, webbed feet. I sometimes wish that she was alive and not as lifeless, then she and I would play together always. I always dreamt of Ducky coming to life. I cared for her like a baby apart from when it came to eating! Every night I huggle up to her. I brushed her fur. But I do not have this teddy anymore I got her when I was about 5 and lost her at 6.

By Waimaire

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The bord walk

Yesterday I went on a board walk with our grandma opposite the S.P.C.A. Me and my brother took our bikes down. I nearly CRASHED!!! into Finnlay but instead I fell into swamp mud. I quickly climbed onto a tree root because I knew there where giant eels in there. My grandma grabbed onto me I was shivering & shaking she pulled me up and out of the swamp. She was lying on the ground because her thumb was sore.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010



After Christmas we went camping with my mum and dad. Dad gets all our stuff in the car. Mum says to make our beds before we go. Then off we go to camp. We get there and unpack our stuff. Off to the beach we go. I was so excited. Splash! Go the waves splash! Splash! Splash! Swimming is the best.

We got back to camp. We were thirsty we needed a drink. Water tastes so good. We had lots of meat for tea and salad YUMMY!! Then we played a game of catch. Time to go to sleep.

Morning arrived it was time to get up and go up the estuary, in the kayaks. Oh no!! I fell out but it was so much fun let’s have another go.

Then time for fishing, yay!! We got 8 fish. It was such a magic day. It’s not over yet though tomorrow will be ever better. Back to the beach, we went and picked tuatuas. That was fun. Then we got to ride motorbikes. Big sand dunes here we come.

I felt so happy. It was the most amazing time. We had to go home for an hour and feed dads fish. We had a shower; we are tired from all the camp fun. I also got to see my friend, and then we went off again for 2 more days to go. I love going camping because I have lots of family fun.

By Angel

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Flying Fox By Blake

When we were at my house , my friend and his big brother came and stayed the night. My big brother's friend came too. They decided to make a flying fox.

They put up a rope between two trees first. Then we put a pulley up and of course they tighten the rope so you wouldn't hit the ground when you went down.

Then they made a handle for the flying fox. The handle was tired to the pulley. The handle was made out of thick pipe and rope.

After I went down,my friend Jaime went down. But the rubber pipe ripped down the side. Jamie fell down onto a fence that we made. We thought he had broken a bone or two. But he didn't. All he got on him were a few scratches and a sprained ankle.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Welcome to our Blog.

This is room 2's blog we will be sharing our daily writing.