Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Miss T thinks we shouldn't have school holidays. I don't agree. I would like extended school at but taking away our school holidays that's by far to much. Miss T must be nutty she would have to come to school every day of the weak. We work all weak and now no holidays what next no break times.

children get board. Board children stop working .Children that stop working start shouting. Shouting children make teachers heads heart. Teachers Then they growl. then the children leave.

You policy clearly states that students will have two breaks a day, 40 minutes each, and six hours of school time, five days a week, weekends, two days a week. by doing this, you should just rip this part of the policy apart.

I think we need holidays so then we can take a rest from school. we need school but we need time off school I mean 2 weeks of it.we need school holidays, four of them a day.

Signed, Room two, Otaika Valley School

Thursday, March 11, 2010

the circus of children

The light shone brightly on the stage and out bounded a clown tripping up at every step on his bright blue way to big overalls. He stood on stage facing the audience a big silly heroic grin spread across his red lips. Then suddenly sgueaky hamburger dog toys and started to juggle. "Squeak squeak squeak" went the hamburgers the out pounced a dog knocking over the clown causing him to swallow the three squeaky hamburgers by now the whole crowd was roaring with laughter. But to the teachers it was a big disaster. then the hall was cleared and all the fun ended!

The end

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

lena my teddy bear

I have a teddy bear that is black brown and white her name is Lena she has a brown head with a white strip throw the middle. My puppy Lena has black button eyes with a long floppy tail. The colours on her long floppy tail are brown with a white tip on the end she is five years old and I cant sleep with out her. She has a little blanket with the moon and stars on it Lena has a torn up nose and a rip in her ear and a floopy leg with tissues stuffed in it so it dosent fall off and she will always be my favorite teddy

By Melody Hanham

Camping with Hayden.

On boxing day last year I went camping with Hayden. We where there for 5 days.The first day we put our tent up then the second day we went for a swim Blain came to.Then we had a game of bull rush with these other kid's it was awesome but then it got dark and we had to head back to the tent.We had oysters ,pipis,kinas and heaps of other stuff.On the last day we had to pack up I asked my mum if we could stay one more night but she kept on saying NO!.We finally finished packing up then we had to go home but I asked if we could go for a swim and my mum said yes so we went for a swim.And that was the day we went camping out at Ruakaka camp sight.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Room 2 playground

dear Principal

kids have been hurting there self on the playground lately and blaming room2 so i think room 2 should have there own playground

Firstly:kids always play on the big playground.

secondly:kids in other classes play on the playground and don"t share.

Thirdly:kids in other classes make the monkey bars slippery.

Finally:Room 2 never get there own playground.

so i think room 2 should have their own playground because it is also fair it is not unfair because everyone will end up in room 2

Monday, March 8, 2010

The playground problem

Lately there has been a lot of trouble on the playground and up till now the teachers have been able to cope with all the fighting. But this time the younger kids have gone too far! One of the students from rm2 has just about been pushed off the playground by a smaller student. So I believe that rm2 should have their own playground to play on.
(To be continued) By Levi

tylers review of whats happening in class

we do writting. and reading .I like swimming and triathalon. I like useing the computer
I like playing dinosurs. I like playing in the liberey otika school is the best in the
world!!!! I like the school because its popular. the forst time I came to this school
it was wandafell I do not wont to leve the school I love this school more then eva
we are writting about geting our own playgrond.

a students view of the book of Holes

This story is fiction, yet based on a true story. If you're a person that like's adventure, wait-for-it moments, and unpredictibality, this is the book for you. A boy with a curse. A barren lake. A wonderful book. written by Louis Sacher.