Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I believe that the celebration of ANZAC day is important to our culture because ANZAC day protects the memories of the very souls that gave our country freedom.

ANZAC day also teaches us that war can be senseless and unforgiving, and there can be other ways to solve problems such as negotiating or working interdependently to fix arguments.

In addition ANZAC day unites Australia and New Zealand together and it reminds us that Australia will always be there for us even in the most unpleasant
of times.

It also helps young children learn about our ancestry and how ANZACS changed the way we think about war. They are also a role model to us all. They have shown us what it means to be brave and to stand up for what we believe is right.

ANZAC day is important and I hope we keep remembering and celebrating ANZAC day in the future.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Supporting Online School.

With my limited knowledge of online schools, I have come up with these possible facts about Online Schools and why I support them.

1: an online school is practically like a real school, apart from the fact that online schools are virtual universes, there are teachers, whether Non User Character or real Teachers on the program, real assignments, breaks to relax, other people to chat with, etc, a virtual online school is like having a school in your computer!

2: you can deal with bullies in a less violent manner, like reporting them to the websites moderators. (moderators are the people who run the website) instead of confronting them.

3: with worldwide communication, it would be near impossible to be lonely.

4: with a regular time of two breaks a day, five days a week, and with virtual camp trips, how could you be bored?

5: if you have made friends with people, but you become sick in real life you can still go to the school.

6: Online schools are quite popular, and when the class is full but more students are pouring in, they can instantly put in more desks.

7:If some days, you just don't feel like getting out of bed, just pull up a laptop n a school day and go to an online school.