Sunday, September 19, 2010


Dear Arnotts ,

Do you remember when you had those seriously mouth watering tiny teddies with flavoured dips.
Chocolate,caramel and strawberry.
I believe that you should bring them back and I have my reasons why.
I remember having the most delicous irresistable lunch with tiny teddies in dip.
It was always my favourite item in my lunch box.
But sadly that oppertunity has left.
When you took tiny teddies in dip away from us it was like stealing a childs lunch out of their lunch box.
I don't believe those tiny teddies in dip should have been taken away from us.

My Speech

I think my sister Katie will be an awesome teacher, not because she is my sister, because as a sister she is a pain in the bum.
But i think she will be a good teacher because she is a good role model. She is hard sometimes but most of the time she is caring and helpful and I think that is good cause some kids are naughty.
She knows lots of stuff, some of it useful and some of it just random but at least you are learning something new.
She is good at spot especially rugby and she plays hard but fair.
Katie can do cool things on the computer and when mum gets stuck she always asks Katie for help.
Katie has to go to university for 3 years before she can be a teacher and she still has 2 1/2 years left before she can teach at a school.
I can't wait till she's a teacher - I think she will be the coolest teacher ever.

My Speach.

Children of War

Children of war.

In some countries, like Bosnia, Liberia, or Afghanistan, Children are one of the main victims of war.

This beyond inhuman cruelty that is turning the world into a savage wilderness will, not might, corrupt the world and bring violence and death. If children are loved and valued, why are they being used as cannon-fodder?

Children have always been caught up and/or used in warfare. Usually they do not have much choice but to go through, at least, the same horrors as their parents. In war, 2 million children were killed, 4 to 5 million disabled, 12 million left homeless, more than 1 million orphaned or separated from their parents, and some 10 million psychologically traumatized.

Young children are also used as soldiers! children have been involved in military campaigns for centuries as child ratings on warships or as drummer boys on the battlefields of Europe.

Many children suffer appalling violence as soldiers, but even those who remain ‘civilians’ can be subjected to horrific experiences. Anything that can be done to adults, however monstrous, can also be visited on children. Children have been tortured as part of collective punishments for whole communities, or as a means of extracting information about peers or parents. They have also been tortured as a way of punishing their parents, or in some cases simply for entertainment. Once immersed in this savage environment, differences of age soon seem irrelevant.

Please. Stop this inhumane madness. The children of this world is also the future of this world. do you want our future to be death, violence, and torture? stop this cruelty, children are extremely important in the survival of the world. they have feelings!