Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I was looking into the monsters eye. The monsters eye was big and green like a giant bay only well giant. Then all our surroundings turned to evil mutants.
Half our right army was smashed by the mutants large flast bombykncker.
The wind was picking up and then I saw it the mosters house.
My cousin got whamed into a giant jar form the monster itself. Then it ran inside with five of our colony. The wind stopped and so did the mutants. I looked through the window (giant) and then saw my friends in a type of box thing.

The monster ran out and the mutants came back to life
it went dark.
I woke up and heard Dylan! lunch time!
I saw an even bigger monster staring at me, then it turned and ran off.
A lovely smell drifted past ten then I realized I was never going to get out alive.

By Caleb James Ryan.

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