Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Lost Alien.

Once upon a time, 300 years into the future, a shiny silver spaceship came zooming towards earth, and plunged into the deep, dark, murky ocean. but above, in the sky, where the shiny silver spaceship was, a small alien floated slowly down, a big starry parachute above him. The alien gracefully drifted down, down, down, onto an island called New Zealand.

When the alien landed, he was in a place called Whangarei, where he fell into a lake by a place named Whangarei Falls. The alien swam to shore, huffing & puffing. Then the alien walked into what seemed like a place where he could find some information called the ‘Bank’.

When the alien got into the bank, after trying to get through magic doors that opened up when you walked near them, He went to a ‘human’ and asked where he was. “Olleh, od uoy wonk erehw I nac dnif emos noitamrofni no erehw I ma?” “I’m sorry, what was that?” replied the human. The alien was very confused about what the human was trying to say. The alien left the bank and went into a ‘department store’. “Olleh, I ma Katroz (this is Alien for Zortak), od uoy wonk tahw tenalp siht si dna erehw I nac dnif eht tenalp sunaru?” “Huh? what are you trying to say?” replied the owner of the department store. Now Zortak was even more confused than ever.

Just about when Zortak was going to give up hope of ever seeing his home planet again, he found someone that could understand him “Meow Meow” said the one that understood. “Yllear? Knaht uoy os hcum, muuuuuuu.... tahw
si ruoy eman?” Said Zortak. “Meeeeoow” (this was cat for Mildred) “Derdlim? s’taht a ecin eman.” said Zortak “Mew Meow mow mow meow meow meow! Meow, meow, meowy, meow meow.” Meowed Mildred. “Er’uoy thgir, Derdlim, ew dluohs dnif gnihtemos ekil a pihsecaps ot teg em kcab ot sunaru.” Said Zortak. “dna yb eht yaw, ym eman si Katroz.” Reminded Zortak.

After hours of frantic searching all over Whangarei, the duo were very tired and decided to have a rest at the nearby ‘park’. “Od uoy kniht ll’ew reve dnif gnihtemos taht dluoc teg em emoh?” Zortak asked. “Meow meow mew mow meow.” Replied Mildred.

Just then, a shiny silver spaceship, like Zortaks one, only about 20 times the size of it, came zooming down towards them. “Ym sdneirf!” Zortak yelled, positively beaming, as the shiny silver spaceship landed. then, the side of the spaceship opened up, and four official looking aliens stepped out. “Katroz, sa noos sa ew dnuof tuo taht uoy erew gnissim, ew dehcraes eht yxalag rof uoy.” Said the alien in the front, Zortak ran up to him and looked like he was gonig to explode with happiness. “Knaht uoy os hcum, Derdlim!” Said Zortak to Derdlim. “Meow meow meow meow?” asked Mildred. “yllaer? Fo esruoc uoy nac!” Said Zortak. Mildred climbed aboard and the door shut. a few moments later, the spaceship blasted off into the night.

The End.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Capital E 'End Game'

Monday, 23/8/2010, marks the day that rooms 2 and 3 are went on a field trip to Forum North to spectate a play named End Game by Capital E. To get there, we had to go in a Whangarei service bus, which was quite exciting.
The bus drivers name was Maia. He is a kind and friendly person but doesn’t really like the noise made by the passengers.
When we got to Forum North, both classes stood in 2 separate lines by the door. Then we went into the building. Forum North had very high ceilings.
We went up a flight of blue-carpeted stairs with silver railings, and entered the cinema.
When we got into the cinema, the place was packed full of other schools. Otaika Valley Primary School (us) were seated in the 3 front rows.
It took 11 minutes for the play to start. When the play began, the lights dimmed and slowly went out.
End Game was a play based on a mother and son facing the social troubles between a mother and her teenage son. When Alex (the son) was playing on his computer game, Fable Story at the hospital where his grandfather was on life support, his mother plugged in her cell phone and a power surge erupted, canceling all power in the room. Somehow, Alex and his mother were sent inside Fable Story and have to work out their problems to get out. What will happen? Will they get out in time to turn their grandfathers life support back on? See the play to find out.


Capital E

On Monday 23rd August Room 2 and Room 3 went to Forum North to watch a performance. Room2 and room 2 went by bus to and from forum north. When we got to Form north we were seated in the first three front rows.
Everybody was chattering until a loud frightening voice filled the room and the lights went dim. Everyone in the room was told to turn our phones off.
The room went quiet and two people appeared on stage one person who was the mother said the time and what she did at that time, the other person who was the son repeated times and what he that time.
They mother picked up the boy from school and on the way home they received a phone call and heard that their Grandpa was in hospital. So they rushed to the hospital.
The son loved playing play station games and the mother loved her cell phone she plugged the phone into the machine at the hospital and her son and her got sucked into one of the sons games. They had to play till the end of the game, they had to work together to get out of the game.
At the end of the show the actors took a bow and everyone clapped. We had a stretch and slowly left the room. Room 2 and 3 went on the bus back to school and worked.


Capital E

When we went to Capital E, we watched a show called End Game. The thing I like was the way it happened, for example up above the stage was a blue light that when it turned on it was a blue mist, it made me feel like I was apart of the show. I also like how the people in charge made it so that they would light up. To me this show was no ordinary show, it had such good features and good actors. When it first started off they were like a diary. The actor said things like 8:40pm make diner for what seemed like 5 or 10minutes. And the action started when they went to the hospital to see their Grandfather. There were all sorts of things the boy had to go through, like choosing which one was his real mother, going through a haunted swamp and dealing with a lion. I think the moral to this show was: RESPECT YOUR PARENTS AND THEY WILL DO THE SAME.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

pig drama at otaika valley school

Today at Otaika Valley school Shaela and Waimarie were feeding the pigs. They were playing with the buckets Shaela turned around and saw a big black thing when she realized it was a pig she dropped the bucket and screamed and ran back to class meanwhile me (melody) and angel were watering the garden we heard screaming looked up and there was Shaela and Saimarie running up the field screaming. THE PIGS HAD ESCAPED.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Do you support oil rigs/wells being built in new zealand

I oppose to oil rigs/wells being built in New Zealand.

As there are beutiful sea creatures in the sea and if the oil leakes in the sea all the beutiful animals will die.

The super markets will have no sea food to sell and it will be horried. Every one loves sea food its really good.

What if the oil rigs/wells leak it could spread over to australia and then all of australia will get angry.

New Zealand will have yuc poloted waters and nobody wants that.

So i dont thin we should have oil rigs/wells in New Zealand