Monday, August 23, 2010

Capital E

On Monday 23rd August Room 2 and Room 3 went to Forum North to watch a performance. Room2 and room 2 went by bus to and from forum north. When we got to Form north we were seated in the first three front rows.
Everybody was chattering until a loud frightening voice filled the room and the lights went dim. Everyone in the room was told to turn our phones off.
The room went quiet and two people appeared on stage one person who was the mother said the time and what she did at that time, the other person who was the son repeated times and what he that time.
They mother picked up the boy from school and on the way home they received a phone call and heard that their Grandpa was in hospital. So they rushed to the hospital.
The son loved playing play station games and the mother loved her cell phone she plugged the phone into the machine at the hospital and her son and her got sucked into one of the sons games. They had to play till the end of the game, they had to work together to get out of the game.
At the end of the show the actors took a bow and everyone clapped. We had a stretch and slowly left the room. Room 2 and 3 went on the bus back to school and worked.


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