Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Boy who Cried Wolf

I oppose to the boy who crying wolf because it was lying and annoying. People won't listen to the boy and the sheep will get eaten.

Monday, November 1, 2010

In Darkest Night.

Gliding silently through the sky, amidst the twilight, with wings of pure shadow, soaring high above the moon-lit sky. Effortlessly swooping down and clenching its prey in it’s beak, a shadowy gray. Above the moon, it’s talons shining, queen of the forest, flying over it’s kingdom. It’s shining black eyes, relentlessly searching. For something to eat. It’s small stomach rumbles. Hunt or be hunted. Here in my jungle

Animal: Raven.

In Darkest Night.

Gliding silently through the sky, amidst the twilight, with wings of pure shadow, soaring high above the moon-lit sky. Effortlessly swooping down and clenching its prey in it’s beak, a shadowy grey. Above the moon, it’s talons shining, queen of the forest, flying over it’s kingdom. It’s shining black eyes, relentlessly searching. for something to eat. It’s small stomach rumbles. Hunt or be hunted. Here in my jungle

Animal: Raven.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Autumn is a golden rain
The surroundings are all drained
Leaves are crinkling
Trees are shrinking.

The pathway covered
Here and there
Falling leaves fill the air
Hardly anything grows I said in despair

Trees are becoming bald
But who would look no one at all
Farmers have all lost their jobs
Some of them might even sob.


Shivering cold
want to
go home
warm coco and soup waiting for me.

Fire places
warm don't
want to
go out side.

having snowing
fight out side.

out side
hop into rain coat
and splash in puddles.


Air's cold
Hands are freezing
Socks are warming
Feel like sneezing.

Trees hidden
Fruits perishing
Bears hibernating.
Grass cherishing.

In the garden
Flowers blowing
Grass growing
Nobody mowing

Tuesday, October 19, 2010



I'm feeling hazy,
the sun is blazing,
my feet are sweating.

my face is taning,
arms are burning,
the hot cool beach i can imagine it now.

i'm soaking wet,
sand is sticking,
ice is melting.

oh! just a dream.

Spring months

Weathers warming
Towels are flashing
Sand is flying
In amongst the splashing

Grass is swaying
cows are grazing
children saying
"the lambs look amazing."

Rainbows growing
people share
pools are opening
summers almost here

spring months are relaxing
but please use shoes for there is lots of cows poo

Winters season!!!!!!!!!!!!!

House's closed.
Air is freezing.
Hot fire places.
Boaring teezing.

Hot chocolate cravings.
Cold hail dropings.
Big trees blowing.
Massive wind ravings.

No time for gardening.
More time for watching.
Boiling showers.
Now flanelx sheets.

Winter days
are freezing cold
cold days bring
cocoa down my throat.

Haani Edmonds
its so hot
im going to rot
feet are melting
dogs are relping
its so hot

sun is blazing
kids are playing
drinking lots
im going to burst
its so hot

sweating faces
makeing paces
having fun the way its dond
its so hot

summer days are so great maby next time bring a


Summer Days

Burning Sand
at the beach
Chilly Ice
to keep you cool.

Beach swimming
with friends and family.
Delicious ice cream
with cousins.

Cricket to play.
Teams to beat.
Summer holidays
spending time whaunu.


Summer of Twenty 10

Feel like swimming
With all my friends
Till the day's done
Cause summer doesn't end

Summer of Twenty 10
Playing until the end
Cause summer never ends
When you're with all your friends

Dogs are panting
Fruit is harvesting
Birds are chirping
Ducks are quacking

And once the day has ended.
We all hop into bed
And wake up for more summer
Cause summer never ends!


Warm sun rising
Snowmen melting
Lots of growing
People shouting.

Dogs barking
Horses neighing
Lots of parties
People praying

It'll soon be christmas
Nearly there
Some men shaving
Off their hair

The time for camping
Soon will be
Rushing off for a
Christmas tree.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

I Would Win the Gold Medal if These Were Commonwealth Games ..

Non-Bed making.
Late T.V watching (10:00).
Never ending travling.
Non-Existing chores.

Restaurant Entertaining.
Black forest demolishing.
Cheese pizza gnawing.
Chocolate hiding greedily.

Bubble gum chewing delight.
Sense of humor delectable.
Eating in delightful places.
Funny face colouring.

Written By
Haani Edmonds

the end

gthe end is comeiun

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

i would win these if they were comenwealth games

Playstation thrashing
Brooke and Scott bashing
Potato mashing
making lights flashing

shooting old possums
whacking with blossums
computer hacking
cow attacking

nose picking until im dry
chopping oniongs until i cry
rocking out util i fry

reconise me the best champion of this pothetic sort the champ

Bad Manners Are No Big Deal

Some people say that Bad Manners are no big deal. I strongly oppose this statement. Bad Manners are a big deal and yet others have made constant habits involving bad manners. this must not go on.

Bad Manners are mainly small, like picking your nose, interrupting people, and not paying attention, but they can lead to violence, inappropriate language, so on, so on. Bad Manners are best stopped when they begin, or they can become uncontrollable habits.

Bad Manners are a big deal, because is there was nothing but bad manners, people would be starting fights, using inappropriate language, etc, etc, etc.

Therefore, after reading the above paragraphs, I hope that you see this in the fact that Bad Manners ARE a big deal.

Sincerely, Luke Simpkin

I Would Win the Gold if These Were Commonwealth Games...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

If the commonwealth games...

I would win the gold medal if these were commonwealth games...

Xbox360 hogging
Car Burning
Food crushing
Tv profiting

Game locking
Woter gulpping
school hating
Lollypop loving


I Would Win the Gold if These Were Commonwealth Games...

Major mumbling
Blurry typing
Constant fidgeting
Out opting

Tech loving
Sleeping in
Homework forgetting
Computer hogging

Uncontrollable junk-food eating
Fish and chips with ketchup craving

Unsustainable active outgoing
Addict to plants and greenery growing

Loving the fact of high-altitude flying
Uncontrollable constant day-dreaming

Recognize all of these as sports and then meet
Me! the champion apathetic athlete!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Holiday To Remember

To kick off my holiday, I started by going to Sky city Cinemas and watched a movie named Cats and Dogs: Revenge of Kitty Galore.

The movie was an action packed sequel to the original Cats and Dogs movie. Kitty galore (also known as Ivona Clawyou), was a top agent of M.E.O.W.S (a secret cat organization directed on the safety of mankind) until on one of her recent missions, was plunged into a vat of hair removal cream, making her appearance… in a light term, unnatural. to exact her revenge on dogs and humans, she created a sound disk called 'Call of the wild'. This sound disk would transmit to any soud-linekd device in the world. the sound would make all dogs go insane, making them wind up in the pound. She is eventually stopped at the last second by an agent of M.E.O.W.S, a dog from a secret dog organization, and her abused pet mouse.

After the movie ended, we headed home. Then, I hopped on the computer to play one of my favorite games. Roblox.

Roblox is a game where you can make your own world and customize your character completely. the twist is, everything is made entirely out of LEGO bricks. I went to my favorite game called Build, Role play, and Fight version II, made by Vikatikki. On Build, Role play, and fight version II (or BRF II for short) you are set in medieval times and you must build an empire from many teams, including humans, centaurs, lizard men, elves, undead and even demos of chaos. My preferred team is the Elven Grove and my characters name is Yenshosia. me and my friends build gigantic empires, stretching from farms to huge citadels.

Throughoout the rest of the holidays, it was basically the same routine. wake up, have breakfast, go on computer, watch tv, play on PS2, go on computer again, and go to bed.

By Luke Simpkin

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Dear Arnotts ,

Do you remember when you had those seriously mouth watering tiny teddies with flavoured dips.
Chocolate,caramel and strawberry.
I believe that you should bring them back and I have my reasons why.
I remember having the most delicous irresistable lunch with tiny teddies in dip.
It was always my favourite item in my lunch box.
But sadly that oppertunity has left.
When you took tiny teddies in dip away from us it was like stealing a childs lunch out of their lunch box.
I don't believe those tiny teddies in dip should have been taken away from us.

My Speech

I think my sister Katie will be an awesome teacher, not because she is my sister, because as a sister she is a pain in the bum.
But i think she will be a good teacher because she is a good role model. She is hard sometimes but most of the time she is caring and helpful and I think that is good cause some kids are naughty.
She knows lots of stuff, some of it useful and some of it just random but at least you are learning something new.
She is good at spot especially rugby and she plays hard but fair.
Katie can do cool things on the computer and when mum gets stuck she always asks Katie for help.
Katie has to go to university for 3 years before she can be a teacher and she still has 2 1/2 years left before she can teach at a school.
I can't wait till she's a teacher - I think she will be the coolest teacher ever.

My Speach.

Children of War

Children of war.

In some countries, like Bosnia, Liberia, or Afghanistan, Children are one of the main victims of war.

This beyond inhuman cruelty that is turning the world into a savage wilderness will, not might, corrupt the world and bring violence and death. If children are loved and valued, why are they being used as cannon-fodder?

Children have always been caught up and/or used in warfare. Usually they do not have much choice but to go through, at least, the same horrors as their parents. In war, 2 million children were killed, 4 to 5 million disabled, 12 million left homeless, more than 1 million orphaned or separated from their parents, and some 10 million psychologically traumatized.

Young children are also used as soldiers! children have been involved in military campaigns for centuries as child ratings on warships or as drummer boys on the battlefields of Europe.

Many children suffer appalling violence as soldiers, but even those who remain ‘civilians’ can be subjected to horrific experiences. Anything that can be done to adults, however monstrous, can also be visited on children. Children have been tortured as part of collective punishments for whole communities, or as a means of extracting information about peers or parents. They have also been tortured as a way of punishing their parents, or in some cases simply for entertainment. Once immersed in this savage environment, differences of age soon seem irrelevant.

Please. Stop this inhumane madness. The children of this world is also the future of this world. do you want our future to be death, violence, and torture? stop this cruelty, children are extremely important in the survival of the world. they have feelings!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Lost Alien.

Once upon a time, 300 years into the future, a shiny silver spaceship came zooming towards earth, and plunged into the deep, dark, murky ocean. but above, in the sky, where the shiny silver spaceship was, a small alien floated slowly down, a big starry parachute above him. The alien gracefully drifted down, down, down, onto an island called New Zealand.

When the alien landed, he was in a place called Whangarei, where he fell into a lake by a place named Whangarei Falls. The alien swam to shore, huffing & puffing. Then the alien walked into what seemed like a place where he could find some information called the ‘Bank’.

When the alien got into the bank, after trying to get through magic doors that opened up when you walked near them, He went to a ‘human’ and asked where he was. “Olleh, od uoy wonk erehw I nac dnif emos noitamrofni no erehw I ma?” “I’m sorry, what was that?” replied the human. The alien was very confused about what the human was trying to say. The alien left the bank and went into a ‘department store’. “Olleh, I ma Katroz (this is Alien for Zortak), od uoy wonk tahw tenalp siht si dna erehw I nac dnif eht tenalp sunaru?” “Huh? what are you trying to say?” replied the owner of the department store. Now Zortak was even more confused than ever.

Just about when Zortak was going to give up hope of ever seeing his home planet again, he found someone that could understand him “Meow Meow” said the one that understood. “Yllear? Knaht uoy os hcum, muuuuuuu.... tahw
si ruoy eman?” Said Zortak. “Meeeeoow” (this was cat for Mildred) “Derdlim? s’taht a ecin eman.” said Zortak “Mew Meow mow mow meow meow meow! Meow, meow, meowy, meow meow.” Meowed Mildred. “Er’uoy thgir, Derdlim, ew dluohs dnif gnihtemos ekil a pihsecaps ot teg em kcab ot sunaru.” Said Zortak. “dna yb eht yaw, ym eman si Katroz.” Reminded Zortak.

After hours of frantic searching all over Whangarei, the duo were very tired and decided to have a rest at the nearby ‘park’. “Od uoy kniht ll’ew reve dnif gnihtemos taht dluoc teg em emoh?” Zortak asked. “Meow meow mew mow meow.” Replied Mildred.

Just then, a shiny silver spaceship, like Zortaks one, only about 20 times the size of it, came zooming down towards them. “Ym sdneirf!” Zortak yelled, positively beaming, as the shiny silver spaceship landed. then, the side of the spaceship opened up, and four official looking aliens stepped out. “Katroz, sa noos sa ew dnuof tuo taht uoy erew gnissim, ew dehcraes eht yxalag rof uoy.” Said the alien in the front, Zortak ran up to him and looked like he was gonig to explode with happiness. “Knaht uoy os hcum, Derdlim!” Said Zortak to Derdlim. “Meow meow meow meow?” asked Mildred. “yllaer? Fo esruoc uoy nac!” Said Zortak. Mildred climbed aboard and the door shut. a few moments later, the spaceship blasted off into the night.

The End.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Capital E 'End Game'

Monday, 23/8/2010, marks the day that rooms 2 and 3 are went on a field trip to Forum North to spectate a play named End Game by Capital E. To get there, we had to go in a Whangarei service bus, which was quite exciting.
The bus drivers name was Maia. He is a kind and friendly person but doesn’t really like the noise made by the passengers.
When we got to Forum North, both classes stood in 2 separate lines by the door. Then we went into the building. Forum North had very high ceilings.
We went up a flight of blue-carpeted stairs with silver railings, and entered the cinema.
When we got into the cinema, the place was packed full of other schools. Otaika Valley Primary School (us) were seated in the 3 front rows.
It took 11 minutes for the play to start. When the play began, the lights dimmed and slowly went out.
End Game was a play based on a mother and son facing the social troubles between a mother and her teenage son. When Alex (the son) was playing on his computer game, Fable Story at the hospital where his grandfather was on life support, his mother plugged in her cell phone and a power surge erupted, canceling all power in the room. Somehow, Alex and his mother were sent inside Fable Story and have to work out their problems to get out. What will happen? Will they get out in time to turn their grandfathers life support back on? See the play to find out.


Capital E

On Monday 23rd August Room 2 and Room 3 went to Forum North to watch a performance. Room2 and room 2 went by bus to and from forum north. When we got to Form north we were seated in the first three front rows.
Everybody was chattering until a loud frightening voice filled the room and the lights went dim. Everyone in the room was told to turn our phones off.
The room went quiet and two people appeared on stage one person who was the mother said the time and what she did at that time, the other person who was the son repeated times and what he that time.
They mother picked up the boy from school and on the way home they received a phone call and heard that their Grandpa was in hospital. So they rushed to the hospital.
The son loved playing play station games and the mother loved her cell phone she plugged the phone into the machine at the hospital and her son and her got sucked into one of the sons games. They had to play till the end of the game, they had to work together to get out of the game.
At the end of the show the actors took a bow and everyone clapped. We had a stretch and slowly left the room. Room 2 and 3 went on the bus back to school and worked.


Capital E

When we went to Capital E, we watched a show called End Game. The thing I like was the way it happened, for example up above the stage was a blue light that when it turned on it was a blue mist, it made me feel like I was apart of the show. I also like how the people in charge made it so that they would light up. To me this show was no ordinary show, it had such good features and good actors. When it first started off they were like a diary. The actor said things like 8:40pm make diner for what seemed like 5 or 10minutes. And the action started when they went to the hospital to see their Grandfather. There were all sorts of things the boy had to go through, like choosing which one was his real mother, going through a haunted swamp and dealing with a lion. I think the moral to this show was: RESPECT YOUR PARENTS AND THEY WILL DO THE SAME.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

pig drama at otaika valley school

Today at Otaika Valley school Shaela and Waimarie were feeding the pigs. They were playing with the buckets Shaela turned around and saw a big black thing when she realized it was a pig she dropped the bucket and screamed and ran back to class meanwhile me (melody) and angel were watering the garden we heard screaming looked up and there was Shaela and Saimarie running up the field screaming. THE PIGS HAD ESCAPED.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Do you support oil rigs/wells being built in new zealand

I oppose to oil rigs/wells being built in New Zealand.

As there are beutiful sea creatures in the sea and if the oil leakes in the sea all the beutiful animals will die.

The super markets will have no sea food to sell and it will be horried. Every one loves sea food its really good.

What if the oil rigs/wells leak it could spread over to australia and then all of australia will get angry.

New Zealand will have yuc poloted waters and nobody wants that.

So i dont thin we should have oil rigs/wells in New Zealand

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

View our class wikispace

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Kiaora my name is Bianca.
Otaika Valley School is desperately looking for a new principal. Our school is full of caring and joyful kids the seniors at this school are excellent role models and we would love for somebody to take place as our principal.

We would love our new principal to be kind, caring, intelligent, joyful, have a sense of humour has good leadership skills and responsible.

We have lovely P.T.G and we would love a principal who will inspire us for the future I thinks you will love our school because…we have pigs who’s names are Pork chop and Hammy. We have a hundred and eight kids in counting. We are the coolest country school ever. I think there is no reason why you shouldn’t be our principal and I hope these reasons will encourage you to be our principal if you would like to apply for the job please call 09 432 2731

Yours Sincerely
Hi my name is Haaniana.
Otaika valley School is desperately searching for a new principal. What we are looking for in a new principal is intelligent skills, good leadership skills and smiles all the time.

Otaika Valley is a really nice country school and only has a few students so it saves you the stress.

The seniors at this school are excellent role models. The teachers at this school are always smiling, always buying each other coffees and always willing to do good deeds for anyone.

So if there is anyone out there who wouldn't mind sponges getting thrown at them and wouldn't mind sarcstic comments, then come along to Otaika Valley School. Otaika Valley School with awesome kids, teachers and a cool cool school!.

New Principal

Otaika Valley School
Valley View Road
RD 10
Whangarei 0170

8 June 2010

To the Editor

We are searching for a new principal because sadly our other principal is leaving so that takes me back to getting a new principal. And these are some of the things I want in a principal but they don’t have to have these things but I would be good. I would like the principal to have a sense of humour, be fair and nice but not selfish they need to have a good strong voice and they need to be able to sort hard situations out. We have pigs, we have nice teachers and respectful students especially our seniors they are very responsible.

Yours Sincerely


New Principal

Otaika Valley School
Valley View Road
RD 10
Whangarei 0170

8 June 2010

To the Editor

My name is Tasha and Otaika Valley School is looking for a new principal. In a new principal we would like one who is caring, helpful and likes animals.

We have a big playground, a new painted pool, a BMX track and a very colourful court. Otaika Valley School is a little country school with five classrooms. We always have nice birds singing.

The teachers at our school are always nice and caring. They sort out our problems and give us concerts and discuss how awesome is that if you want to be our next no.1 principal come along and apply for this amazing job, hurry offer ends in July.

Yours Sincerely


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Tales of The Chosen. Part two: The second choice.

Suspended in the Moktar Nebula, Zoron, a Space scavenger, is enjoying another scavenging. But then, his co-pilot, Alex, warns about up-coming satellitles. "Warning captain, incoming minesweep!" Said Alex. "Prepare for crash down!" Yelled Zoron. Suddenly, the spaceship is ripped in two by the mniesweep, a small tumor flying towards orons half. "Huh? what's thi-" suddenly the tumor flew onto Zoron. "Get it off!" Zoron screamed as the tumor began to swell, going over his eyes. Now completely covered in the tumor, Zoron has perfect vision. Looking at his limbs, he gets the most astonishing shock in a lifetime. "Wha- what am I?" Said Zoron, except it was not human speech that came out, only a screech similar to a Hawks. As Zoron notices that he I a Hawk, he changes shape again, and again, and again. Over time, Zoron began to control when and what he changed into. Zoron Became, The Shifter.

The Tales of The Chosen. Part one: The first of the chosen.

Stumbling through the dark, Alex, a common space warrior, searches for a light source. "C'mon, there's gotta somethi-" suddenly, Alex was blinded by light. Soon after, the light dimmed, revealing a small orb in the middle of an empty room. The orb had a yellowish glow. Alex hesitated, then carefully, he picked up the orb, somehow changing it's color, now glowing blue, a watery tentacle shot out of the orb! "What the-" Before Alex could finish, the tentacle started spinning rapidly, turning one of the doors into water with a single smack. "Hmmm.., this could be useful." Thought Alex. After restoring the ships light and landing on earth. Alex began studying the orb and learning it's secrets. Soon, Alex realized that with this orb, he may be able to control the elements, bending the shapes of earth, Swirling the air, forming aquatic shapes, restoring the dried up plants, Alex became... the elemental sage.


I was looking into the monsters eye. The monsters eye was big and green like a giant bay only well giant. Then all our surroundings turned to evil mutants.
Half our right army was smashed by the mutants large flast bombykncker.
The wind was picking up and then I saw it the mosters house.
My cousin got whamed into a giant jar form the monster itself. Then it ran inside with five of our colony. The wind stopped and so did the mutants. I looked through the window (giant) and then saw my friends in a type of box thing.

The monster ran out and the mutants came back to life
it went dark.
I woke up and heard Dylan! lunch time!
I saw an even bigger monster staring at me, then it turned and ran off.
A lovely smell drifted past ten then I realized I was never going to get out alive.

By Caleb James Ryan.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I believe that the celebration of ANZAC day is important to our culture because ANZAC day protects the memories of the very souls that gave our country freedom.

ANZAC day also teaches us that war can be senseless and unforgiving, and there can be other ways to solve problems such as negotiating or working interdependently to fix arguments.

In addition ANZAC day unites Australia and New Zealand together and it reminds us that Australia will always be there for us even in the most unpleasant
of times.

It also helps young children learn about our ancestry and how ANZACS changed the way we think about war. They are also a role model to us all. They have shown us what it means to be brave and to stand up for what we believe is right.

ANZAC day is important and I hope we keep remembering and celebrating ANZAC day in the future.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Supporting Online School.

With my limited knowledge of online schools, I have come up with these possible facts about Online Schools and why I support them.

1: an online school is practically like a real school, apart from the fact that online schools are virtual universes, there are teachers, whether Non User Character or real Teachers on the program, real assignments, breaks to relax, other people to chat with, etc, a virtual online school is like having a school in your computer!

2: you can deal with bullies in a less violent manner, like reporting them to the websites moderators. (moderators are the people who run the website) instead of confronting them.

3: with worldwide communication, it would be near impossible to be lonely.

4: with a regular time of two breaks a day, five days a week, and with virtual camp trips, how could you be bored?

5: if you have made friends with people, but you become sick in real life you can still go to the school.

6: Online schools are quite popular, and when the class is full but more students are pouring in, they can instantly put in more desks.

7:If some days, you just don't feel like getting out of bed, just pull up a laptop n a school day and go to an online school.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Miss T thinks we shouldn't have school holidays. I don't agree. I would like extended school at but taking away our school holidays that's by far to much. Miss T must be nutty she would have to come to school every day of the weak. We work all weak and now no holidays what next no break times.

children get board. Board children stop working .Children that stop working start shouting. Shouting children make teachers heads heart. Teachers Then they growl. then the children leave.

You policy clearly states that students will have two breaks a day, 40 minutes each, and six hours of school time, five days a week, weekends, two days a week. by doing this, you should just rip this part of the policy apart.

I think we need holidays so then we can take a rest from school. we need school but we need time off school I mean 2 weeks of it.we need school holidays, four of them a day.

Signed, Room two, Otaika Valley School

Thursday, March 11, 2010

the circus of children

The light shone brightly on the stage and out bounded a clown tripping up at every step on his bright blue way to big overalls. He stood on stage facing the audience a big silly heroic grin spread across his red lips. Then suddenly sgueaky hamburger dog toys and started to juggle. "Squeak squeak squeak" went the hamburgers the out pounced a dog knocking over the clown causing him to swallow the three squeaky hamburgers by now the whole crowd was roaring with laughter. But to the teachers it was a big disaster. then the hall was cleared and all the fun ended!

The end

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

lena my teddy bear

I have a teddy bear that is black brown and white her name is Lena she has a brown head with a white strip throw the middle. My puppy Lena has black button eyes with a long floppy tail. The colours on her long floppy tail are brown with a white tip on the end she is five years old and I cant sleep with out her. She has a little blanket with the moon and stars on it Lena has a torn up nose and a rip in her ear and a floopy leg with tissues stuffed in it so it dosent fall off and she will always be my favorite teddy

By Melody Hanham

Camping with Hayden.

On boxing day last year I went camping with Hayden. We where there for 5 days.The first day we put our tent up then the second day we went for a swim Blain came to.Then we had a game of bull rush with these other kid's it was awesome but then it got dark and we had to head back to the tent.We had oysters ,pipis,kinas and heaps of other stuff.On the last day we had to pack up I asked my mum if we could stay one more night but she kept on saying NO!.We finally finished packing up then we had to go home but I asked if we could go for a swim and my mum said yes so we went for a swim.And that was the day we went camping out at Ruakaka camp sight.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Room 2 playground

dear Principal

kids have been hurting there self on the playground lately and blaming room2 so i think room 2 should have there own playground

Firstly:kids always play on the big playground.

secondly:kids in other classes play on the playground and don"t share.

Thirdly:kids in other classes make the monkey bars slippery.

Finally:Room 2 never get there own playground.

so i think room 2 should have their own playground because it is also fair it is not unfair because everyone will end up in room 2

Monday, March 8, 2010

The playground problem

Lately there has been a lot of trouble on the playground and up till now the teachers have been able to cope with all the fighting. But this time the younger kids have gone too far! One of the students from rm2 has just about been pushed off the playground by a smaller student. So I believe that rm2 should have their own playground to play on.
(To be continued) By Levi

tylers review of whats happening in class

we do writting. and reading .I like swimming and triathalon. I like useing the computer
I like playing dinosurs. I like playing in the liberey otika school is the best in the
world!!!! I like the school because its popular. the forst time I came to this school
it was wandafell I do not wont to leve the school I love this school more then eva
we are writting about geting our own playgrond.

a students view of the book of Holes

This story is fiction, yet based on a true story. If you're a person that like's adventure, wait-for-it moments, and unpredictibality, this is the book for you. A boy with a curse. A barren lake. A wonderful book. written by Louis Sacher.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The exstraordinary trip to the beach

The sand glistening in the sun with the raging waves crashing down from the heavens. Seagulls squawking and surfers surfing.


The Beach

I went to the beach one day.
As i jumped off the bus.
I heard crushing waves,
I felt soft dump sand creeping between my toes,

I smelt the fresh sea.
I saw seagulls flying,
Then I went climbing on the sharp rocks,
exploring and seeing shells sparkling as white as clouds,
Rocks as enormous as can be
Light foam rising to the surface of the shiney dark blue sea.
pebbles as smooth as a teddy bear.


Thursday, February 18, 2010


A lifeless soul. And black shiny boot coloured eyes. And a Mandarin coloured, webbed feet. I sometimes wish that she was alive and not as lifeless, then she and I would play together always. I always dreamt of Ducky coming to life. I cared for her like a baby apart from when it came to eating! Every night I huggle up to her. I brushed her fur. But I do not have this teddy anymore I got her when I was about 5 and lost her at 6.

By Waimaire

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The bord walk

Yesterday I went on a board walk with our grandma opposite the S.P.C.A. Me and my brother took our bikes down. I nearly CRASHED!!! into Finnlay but instead I fell into swamp mud. I quickly climbed onto a tree root because I knew there where giant eels in there. My grandma grabbed onto me I was shivering & shaking she pulled me up and out of the swamp. She was lying on the ground because her thumb was sore.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010



After Christmas we went camping with my mum and dad. Dad gets all our stuff in the car. Mum says to make our beds before we go. Then off we go to camp. We get there and unpack our stuff. Off to the beach we go. I was so excited. Splash! Go the waves splash! Splash! Splash! Swimming is the best.

We got back to camp. We were thirsty we needed a drink. Water tastes so good. We had lots of meat for tea and salad YUMMY!! Then we played a game of catch. Time to go to sleep.

Morning arrived it was time to get up and go up the estuary, in the kayaks. Oh no!! I fell out but it was so much fun let’s have another go.

Then time for fishing, yay!! We got 8 fish. It was such a magic day. It’s not over yet though tomorrow will be ever better. Back to the beach, we went and picked tuatuas. That was fun. Then we got to ride motorbikes. Big sand dunes here we come.

I felt so happy. It was the most amazing time. We had to go home for an hour and feed dads fish. We had a shower; we are tired from all the camp fun. I also got to see my friend, and then we went off again for 2 more days to go. I love going camping because I have lots of family fun.

By Angel

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Flying Fox By Blake

When we were at my house , my friend and his big brother came and stayed the night. My big brother's friend came too. They decided to make a flying fox.

They put up a rope between two trees first. Then we put a pulley up and of course they tighten the rope so you wouldn't hit the ground when you went down.

Then they made a handle for the flying fox. The handle was tired to the pulley. The handle was made out of thick pipe and rope.

After I went down,my friend Jaime went down. But the rubber pipe ripped down the side. Jamie fell down onto a fence that we made. We thought he had broken a bone or two. But he didn't. All he got on him were a few scratches and a sprained ankle.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Welcome to our Blog.

This is room 2's blog we will be sharing our daily writing.